Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ethnosnacker group hits 500 members on Linkedin

Not bad for something I started up for fun. OK, it was in the hope of generating business in conjunction with this blog.

So here are some lessons learnt:

1) Having a group will not generate new enquiries and is not a new business tool
2) Group members do not like being sent mass emails asking for credentials meetings 'when next I visit the US'
3) Group members do actually read the Ethnosnacker blog and leave nice long comments.
3) The very people you hope will be the first to join, never join - i.e. your own colleagues
4) Membership numbers do not slowly reach a critical mass and then grow exponentially. Unless we have yet to reach a critical mass.
5) It is not cool to ask strangers in Belgian bars to join your group just because they are drunk and vulnerable. It is also not cool to suggest they join there and then using your iPhone...


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