Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

By the time you read this/watch the clip our App will be available in the iTunes store. Still working on what will be a fantastic support/knowledge base site for the App which will go live over Christmas. In the meantime, download it, practice with it and start running your own ethnographic explorations with it. It will change the way you work.

Once again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us all at EverydayLives.



  1. This is so cool. I think what might be even cooler is that the barrier between technology "getting in the way" of people documenting, or investigating their lives, has disappeared. Now, it's so intuitive easy to mess about with a device - to the point where is enhances the commitment of lives to memory... I wonder what great diarists would have done with this app. Can't wait to try it. Congratulations on your launch and have a great 2010.

  2. Hi, I can't download the beta version of the KB site using the link above. I have used the app for a research assignment and noticed the photos seemed distorted...

  3. Hello Anonymous - the link to the KB site from the iTunes page works fine. I just tried it.

    Photos need to fit into the design template within the App. but once sent, the arrive fine. No distortion!
