Thursday, March 28, 2013

What now?

It has been two years since EthOS went properly live and so many things, some unexpected, have happened to me. Since day one, we haven't stopped working on the platform which has grown in size to 7,000 sign-ups excluding participants. We (five of us) are also creating new platforms which will change, for ever, the way researchers engage with consumers. Seriously. I'll expand on this is another post soon.

And while all this happens, as business grows, surprisingly and pleasantly, it leaves me with less and less to do. I find sometimes that I have two or even three days a week, on average, where I do not very much at all. So the question I have been grappling with is what do I do with this free time?

Two possible answers:

I could find a part time job doing anything ethnographic.

I could run half day courses called, "From observation to meaning" with live examples from commercial and academic projects. I probably will run these courses anyway.

But I just don't know. Who would want to employ someone who already has a job?

Why am I sharing this with you in a blogpost? In the hope that someone out there can shoot ideas off at me and/or fill my free days with something meaningful, boundary stretching and profitable.

I'm at your service.



  1. I suggest that you post brief summaries of new academic publications on business anthropology -- translated into non-academeic prose. For example, check out the Journal of Business Anthropology and The International Journal of Business Anthropology, along with new publications from Left Coast Press and Bloomsbury. My latest is this:

    Bob Morais

  2. Sounds like an ExcellEnt read and thanks for the tip.
